
Work to accomplish the Fox Valley Literacy (Literacy) mission: “Fox Valley Literacy shares the power of learning to transform lives and enrich the community” by implementing strategic plan and other initiatives, by putting a structure in place that facilitates smooth transitions with future board members, and by actively seeking and acting on feedback.


General and Meeting Expectations

  • Participate fully in fundraising events, committee meetings, task force meetings, retreat(s), community events, and board recruitment opportunities. 
  • Provide feedback and insight on Executive Director and staff performance as requested.
  • Engage in learning opportunities by enrolling in tutor training, in-services, ambassador training, and community-based training.
  • Promote the mission, purpose, programming, goals, and policies of Literacy in the community to raise awareness and increase donor base.
  • Continue to learn about Literacy’s operation, culture, staff, and other members of the Board.
  • Attend all board meetings, read all materials prior to the meeting, engage in discussions and support decisions reached by the Board.



  • Maintain confidentiality of the Board’s executive sessions and speak for the Board or Literacy only when authorized to do so.
  • Avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest that might embarrass the Board or Literacy, disclose any potential conflicts to the Board in a timely fashion.
  • Never accept (nor offer) favors or gifts from (or to) anyone doing business with Literacy.


Fiduciary Responsibility

  • Exercise prudence with the Board in the control and transfer of funds.
  • Faithfully read and understand Literacy’s financial statements and otherwise help the Board fulfill its fiduciary responsibility. 



  • Make an annual gift to Literacy according to personal means and with the realization of the leadership role the Board must play in fund development.
  • Participate actively in Literacy’s fundraising events, programs, and activities. 
  • Promote community support and involvement for Literacy’s fundraising events.
  • Promote organization in your circle of influence to raise awareness. 
  • Create an “elevator speech” to use in the community when speaking of the mission and fundraising goals of the organization. 

Helpful skills

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